Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Drama Unfolds...

The competition started in the afternoon yesterday. Each choir is given 15 minutes. Because of the many participants, the competition in Musica Sacra will only end this noon. 
The boys performed at around 4:10PM. The choirs who performed before them were good. Still, when the boys entered, there was hushed silence. The choir gown costume alone was an attention-getter but their opening song was even more awe-inspiring and breathtaking. I can even feel the crowd holding their breath after the song and then Armando proceeded to lead the boys in their next repertoire and song after song, the silence of the crowd was deafening if not eerie, a reaction and attention I believe given only now among the competing choirs. And when the boys ended with the rousing Halleluia, the applause was long and loud. Some even gave the boys a standing ovation. It was the LPBC at their best! We will get to know the results later this afternoon, if we will enter the finals. Waiting is the hardest part...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations!even without the results yet, you deserve the standing ovation.